Get Faster and Stronger for Your Cycling Event Without Spending Every Waking Hour Training

Whatever your event. Whatever your goal.

Shortcut the process of getting there by using my 23+ years of coaching experience.

Will is a very patient guy who always had time for me (and continues to have, beyond the cycle coaching relationship). No questions were ever considered irrelevant and this is important to someone new to a 'formal' training program.

Will helped me understand the importance of striking the balance between training volume and intensity and how the two should train across the training cycle. This is crucial for avoiding 'flatlining', and ensuring you hit a peak of form for your target challenges and races.

Richard Rothwell

Masters 24-hour world champion

Will is much more than an average coach. Despite the distance he took a great interest in me as an individual and that was key to finding my best performances. His plans were very easy to follow and the support, which was always available, was excellent. Will continues to take an interest in my performances almost a decade after he coached me to that successful season. I think that speaks volumes about his interest in people and helping them to realise their goals. I feel that his interest in his clients, their performances and indeed their lives is genuine and sincere. 

Rob Lee


Expert Media Contributor for:

Hiring me as your cycling coach could be the best health and performance decision you ever make

Training Customised to You and Your Goals

Unlimited Telephone and Chat Support

Flexible Approach for Changing Circumstances

Workouts That Make You a Better All-Round Cyclist 

Your Long-Term Health at the Core of Everything

Nutrition That Gets and Keeps You Lean

Real Strength Training that Actually Works

No Expensive Extra Equipment Required

No More Guesswork and Endless Internet Research

Want to Find Out More About Cycle Coaching?

Not sure if cycle coaching is for you? Have some questions that you'd like answered?

Simply book a free informal chat with me. No high pressure sales tactics. No expectations beyond having me answer your questions.

Personalised Training Plan

Your training plan, written just for you and your goals.

You never have to worry about what you should be doing or how you should be doing it because it's all in the plan. There are even video tutorials where you need them.

What's more, we both get to share feedback on your workouts quickly and effectively using a simple online platform.

Communication When YOU Need It

Many coaching programmes limit you to a certain telephone slot or a certain number of emails. I don't do that.

Using an online chat platform, telephone and video conferencing, you're be able to get answers to your questions and guidance when YOU need it.

What's more, the chat platform archives everything we discuss and keeps any files we share, all in one place. They're fully searchable, so you'll always have them to hand. No more searching through dozens of emails for that important piece of advice.

Video Tutorials

"A picture is worth a thousand words."

Often, a description over the phone just isn't enough and a visual description would be so much more powerful.

No problem. You have your very own bespoke video page, where you can find tutorial videos containing exercise technique and anything else where you'd benefit from seeing an explanation rather than simply hearing it. All filmed specifically in answer to your questions.

Whether it's how to perform a cycling drill or the exact technique for a strength exercise, I've got you covered using video, almost as if I was there to teach you myself.

Detailed Session Plans

Whether it's indoor cycling or weight training, you get session plans with all the detail you need to get the best possible results, all laid out in a clear concise manner.

No more guessing whether you're "doing it right"; just follow the session plan.

Book Your Free No Obligation Chat Now

Effective Training Plans

A well-written, well-researched training plan will be different for every person and different for every event that person does. A lot of coaching is sold as "personal" but is simply a copy of what everyone else is doing. That's not the case here. I write training plans for my athletes based on their strengths and weaknesses, their goals and the events that they're training for. I research those goals thoroughly and the training adapts as I get to know how you respond.

Healthy Athletic Habits

Most coaches have a very narrow focus on performance. It's not their fault, that's how they were trained. The problem is that when things go wrong, they're a little bit lost. What's more, that performance-first focus means that they neglect the habits that make a healthy (and robust) athlete. My heath-first approach means that, not only will you perform better, but you'll still be doing your sport at a high level for years to come.

Nutrition for Performance

Something else that is usually missing from coaching systems is any focus on nutrition. This is not just event nutrition, but the development of a way of eating that supports your long term health and performance. What's more, I'm not a "one approach" guy. Whether you want to go the low carb route, the high carb route or even go full carnivore, I have the knowledge and experience to support you in creating a nutrient-rich diet that will work for you. What's more, if things go wrong, I know how to support you to solve any issues.

Just Enough Data, Not Too Much 

We live in a world of data. So much so, in fact, that many of us have become deaf to the signals our bodies send us about effort levels, hunger, thirst and more. Instead of blindly relying on gadgets, software and computer algorithms, I will work with you to use those devices and the data they generate to learn more about you and your very individual response to exercise. You'll discover the power of intuition by using technology to hone your ability to know what your body is telling you. Instead of believing a graph on a screen, you'll be able to trust yourself.

Discover How Tactics Affect Performance

Races are often not won by the physically fittest rider. Instead, they're won by the rider who implemented the best tactics. Good tactics are usually what set the best pros apart from their competition. Using my 23+ years of experience coaching cyclists for many different goals, you'll develop a set of tactics for your event/s that will give you an advantage over other riders, most of whom are simply relying on being physically fit. 

Technique Matters As Much As Fitness

The cost of poor technique is huge. It can be the difference between having plenty of energy left to put in that final surge or win that finishing sprint and battling to hang on or getting passed 5 metres from the line. You'll discover what the vital technique components of your event are and you'll get to work on developing these so that you'll be able to find "free speed" in parts of your event where other athletes are having to put in extra effort, just to keep up.

Will was very informative, enthusiastic and motivational throughout and inspired me to continue to completion, through encouragement and belief in my abilities.

Will demonstrated excellent communication and used great coach phycology, highlighting his skills as not only a tutor but a fantastic coach too.

Zoe Lingham


The improvement in Daniel has been so marked that the GB National coaches have been moved to say that Daniel is a completely different person to the guy who raced in the European Championships.

It is safe to say that without the remarkable insight from Will in being able to understand the way that Daniel’s mind works and his ability to tailor his training methods to Daniel, Daniel would not be the rider that he is today.  

(Parents of) Daniel Weston

special olympics gold medallist

Book a Free Informal Chat to Find Out If Coaching is For You

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