Well done!

You've reached the end of the course.

I hope that you've developed some new habits that will support your long term health, your athletic longevity and, as a huge bonus, your athletic performance. 

As I said in one of the very first videos, it's possible to consume this solely as entertainment. The difference is made by taking action. If you've not done the exercises, I'd encourage you to go back and do them now.

My sole reason for writing this particular course was to help athletes like you to break the injury & illness cycle. I've been there and while I don't want to have long-term illness and injury again myself, I want it even less for every athlete out there.

  • Please take the time to revisit any new habits you wanted to form. Are they working or do they need a bit more thought to find ways to make them more compelling?
  • Revisit the habits scorecard. Now that you know what the standards are, implement it for at least 4 weeks. How do you measure up? What are your weak areas?
  • Commit to at least 3 months, ideally a year of focus on your health habits. Remember, habits take time to cement in place.
  •   Feel free to get in touch. I love to hear how athletes are building & rebuilding their health. 

Here's to you being the healthiest athlete you have ever been!