Implementing your desired habits on a daily basis is absolutely essential if you are to make them automatic.

My friend, Andrew Read, came up with a great way to game-ify the process. It's so simple that it's brilliant. His approach is the "Habits Scorecard".

You won't be able to completely fill in the scorecard until you get further into the course but, after a lot of consideration, it's presented here so that you can, at least, make a start.

The rules for filling in the Habit Scorecard are simple, but exacting:

1. If you sleep 8 hours or more, score 1 point.

2. If you walk 30 minutes or more, score 1 point.

3. If you miss the standards for your nutrition at any point in the day, deduct 1 point. Go awry twice & the second point needs to go too, leaving you with zero.

4. If you do your 3 weekly cardio sessions, adhering to the intensity levels, score 1 point for each session.

5. If you do your 3 weekly strength sessions, score 1 point for each session.

6. If you do your mobility practice, score 1 point.

Be tough on yourself when filling in your scorecard.

Of course, the goal is to score as high as possible but more important, it's a tool to help you in the development of powerful healthy habits that support long-term performance.

Tasks for this lesson:

1. Download the Habit Scorecard (use the button above).

2. Progress with the scorecard based on where you are in the course. Don't worry about recording exercise until you get to the exercise part of the course.

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