How to be Successful with this Course

The goal of this course is to help you put in place habits that will support you in getting performance results whilst maintaining good health for the rest of your life.

Part of this is understanding why you should do something, including a little bit of the science behind it all - not too much, I promise.

Far more important to your success is ACTION. It really doesn't matter how much you know if you do nothing with that knowledge. The world is full of unhealthy people who know a lot about what they should do.

Many of the lessons come with tasks attached. These are generally not all that time-consuming, although they can be a little challenging. Don't allow yourself to procrastinate, do the tasks immediately. More knowledge will not make the tasks easier, the passage of time will not either. There will never be a time when there are fewer distractions. Mental clarity is largely a myth, so don't wait around for it. Action is always best taken in the moment.

Consistency is Key!

I will repeat this often. Apply, and continue to apply the lessons learned on a daily basis.

Consider putting your other training to one side for at least part of this course, so that you can focus on building these new habits. There is a lot to learn and habits take time to form. The more focus you can put to this, the better the results you'll get from the course.

You could treat this course like the off-season break that coaches encourage you to take every year - only, in this case, you'll spend the time doing something that will improve your performance both in the next season and those beyond.

With the health improvements you will get, will come superior performances in the future. 

In fact, most athletes I meet are so overtrained that a short period focussing on something else, like this course, often results in an immediate improvement in performance.

Tasks for this lesson:

1. Take a photo of yourself with no shirt and keep it somewhere where you can easily refer to it. Ask yourself what you like in the photo and what you'd like to change. Make some notes.

2. Make a 2-minute video on your phone, telling the camera what you saw in your selfie that you really want to change. Keep the video somewhere safe. If you’re really brave and want to add accountability, share it with a trusted friend or two, or if you really want to dial up the pressure a bit, post it on your facebook timeline or link it in the comments below.